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Know Us For When You Need Us – Katrina Baker, Catering Coordinator

Introducing Katrina Baker, Catering Coordinator at Nelson Tasman Hospice.

Katrina designs and produces the menus for patients in the Specialist Palliative Care Unit at Nelson Tasman Hospice, and is the brains behind Nelson’s best scone at the Manuka Café.

What inspires you while you create the menu for hospice patients?

“Presentation is so important to me and really inspires the menu for patients. I love the idea of producing something that is visually exciting, so the person who receives it knows how special they are. If it looks delicious, it might help perk up someone’s appetite, and that’s a real bonus.”

What experience did you bring to the role?

“I’ve always worked in hospitality, from being a head chef to serving coffee at a café and managing the front of house in a local bar. Then, with a lot going on in my personal life, I decided to take a break from work for a few months. During the break, I decided to volunteer for Hospice when it was still at Manuka Street, which turned into the job I have today. Five years on I’m proud to still be creating delicious meals for patients and the wider community in the cafe.”

What makes hospice hospitality stand out from your other roles in the industry?

“Volunteers really make this café what it is. Thanks to the volunteers, we can keep prices low for families, the community and colleagues.”

What makes a good scone?

“I’ll never tell. Our savoury scones and date & orange scones have earnt the reputation of ‘the best scone in town’ though! Why not come into the Manuka Cafe and judge for yourself.”

Katrina and The Manuka Cafe need the support of volunteers to open each day. If you think you’d like to join our vibrant café community and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others by volunteering your time and skills, please get in touch! 

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