This badge depicts the first ever logo for Hospice services in Nelson. Known as “Hospice…
$1 million to reach our target
It’s just over six months to go before staff and patients at the Nelson Tasman Hospice move into the new building in Suffolk Road, Stoke.
We are nearing our final fundraising target having raised $10.5 million of the $11.5m needed. We’ve sent out a newsletter to let people know how close we are to making this goal. You should have received one in your mailbox.
The communities of Nelson and Tasman, local businesses and organisations have been fantastic in helping us raise the amount we have so far and we can’t thank them enough. We are within reach and I’m confident that we will get there.
Unfortunately the fundraising won’t stop there as we will have to raise over $1.2 million each year to cover the shortfall in our operating costs.
I have been amazed at the response from so many individuals to this campaign. There are some incredibly kind and giving people in our community which can’t be underestimated. Without those individuals, community groups, businesses and grant bodies the hospice and other charities in the region wouldn’t be able to deliver the services we do.
There are still many different ways in which you can donate to the cause. There are naming rights available in the new facility and after a successful Trees for Hospice campaign which raised nearly $130,000, we have recently launched our Furnished with Love campaign. Check out our website to see how you can contribute to the fitout of the new building, from beds, to chairs and curtains.
The roof shout was last month with all the work now concentrated in the building itself with a completion date of March next year.
We plan to hold an open day on the site later this year so watch out for a date on our website and keep up to date with progress on the build and other hospice news via Facebook.
There are several different ways to give and you can find all the details on the back of the newsletter.
If you would like to have a freepost envelope then let us know and we can get it out to you or call 03 539 0717.
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