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Pub Charity help fund Specialist Palliative Care Education Programme in Nelson Tasman

Thank you to Pub Charity for investing back into your community by providing a grant in support of our essential Specialist Palliative Care Education Programme, which supports the upskilling of the Nelson Tasman community to care for patients with life-limiting illness in two ways;

We provide specialist palliative education sessions in our Suffolk Road facility and online to Aged Residential Care (ARC) facilities, nursing students and to caregivers who are caring for loved ones with a life limiting illness at home.

In addition, the Nelson Tasman Hospice In Reach team provides both education and consultation to hospital staff through educational liaison, consultation, inhouse training, guiding Te Ara Whakapiri (Principles and Guidance for the Last Days of Life) and working alongside clinical staff at patient’s bedsides.

As a result of Pub Charity’s generosity, our Specialist Palliative Care Education Programme will continue to increase the community’s knowledge and confidence in providing the best possible specialist palliative care for patients.

We acknowledge that it takes a community to make a Hospice happen. Thank you Pub Charity for being part of a compassionate community and empowering Nelson Tasman Hospice to continue to care for our community.

Community grants are integral to the sustainability of our Hospice; if you know of any Trusts or Foundations that may consider supporting our essential service work please let us know.

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