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Our wishlist

People often ask us what they can do to help provide for our patients and whānau. This is our current wishlist:  

  • Books for our patient/whānau library: various titles $35 each  
  • “Feelings” stones and cards for use by social workers: $81.95 for the set  
  • Trees for Hospice: few trees remaining, from $200 golden tree ferns to a $5000 totara  
  • Hearing aid headphones for use in SPCU: one set $300  
  • Portable alarm mats to alert to patients getting out of bed: two at $300 each  
  • Height-adjustable laptop cart for medical use: $950  
  • Reclining chair with an electric lifter (similar to a La-Z-Boy): two needed at $2200 each for loaning to people in their homes  
  • Chair scales for weighing patients in the SPCU: $2275  
  • Specialist Air Mattress, for use in people’s own homes: one needed at $2600.  This is a pressure-reducing mattress overlay that cyclically inflates and deflates, to help bed-bound patients   
  • Chest mannequin for training: $2,700 for educating staff   
  • Roho mattresses: three at $3000, and cushions: two at $1000 for use in patients’ homes. These have variable air-filled cells for pressure relief.   

Our thanks to Sioux Line Dance, who fundraised for four bed levers (at $190 each), among their many donations over the years. Thanks also to Fiona Culpin who gave $6000 for two vital signs monitors and stands (see separate story). Lynne Donald donated two portable alarm mats (at $300 each) in memory of her husband who passed away in 2019. Thanks to Manuka Street Charitable Trust, for their $10,000 donation for a bathroom hoist. Roger Duncan has donated regularly, including $2000 for a syringe driver (used to administer medications). Paula Stringer has given $1900 for a Canon camera to use for video. Thank you all! 

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