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Covid-19 response and our need for your help

Our Emergency Planning and Clinical Governance teams are working to ensure the safety of our patients, volunteers and staff in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We need to keep our care-giving team safe and continue to provide our vital services to patients and support their families and whānau.

We’re following guidance from the Ministry of Health and the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board and working with key partners such as aged care facilities and our suppliers to ensure continuity of care.

Unfortunately, economic flow-on effects mean we’re going to be hit hard financially. As you know, we rely on donations to fund our annual operating deficit of more than $2 million. We’ve already seen Hospice fundraising events cancelled this year that would have raised $30,000, with more to come – likely to total over $150,000.

We need your extra support now to be able to keep our services going and plan for the future in this uncertain time. 

Please donate now. A donation of any size will help. And setting up a recurring monthly donation with your bank will provide even more confidence for us going forward.  www.nelsonhospice.org.nz/donate

Thank you for your ongoing support – we are your hospice and YOU are our Hospice Angels.


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