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Winter newsletter out

Our winter newsletter is out. It has been emailed and some copies will be delivered in the post soon to those with whom we are not connected by email.

If you are not on our mailing list and would like to be, please email joanna.davis@nelsonhospice.org.nz with your contact details. We love connecting with hospice supporters, families, staff members and all those interested.

Below is a message from our chief executive, Frans Dellebeke.

“2019 will in my mind always be a very special year. It’s a year that has seen the Nelson Tasman Hospice service move into an amazing purpose-built facility. This facility has been built as a result of the culmination of years of community donations and of prudent financial management by our past and present boards.

Having said that, it is the exceptional specialist palliative care service that our clinical, allied health, admin and support, shop staff and all our volunteers provide that results in the community’s willingness to support this essential service. I am truly humbled to be part of the Nelson Tasman Hospice team and want to thank everybody for their huge support both financially and as volunteers.

Our service continues to grow and as of earlier this year we now provide a specialist palliative care service at Nelson Hospital and we will continue to work both in aged residential care facilities and in the community with our GPs and the DHB’s district nurses.

In addition, we will continue to encourage our staff to develop their skills and ensure that we have the best possible team to look after our patients and support their carers.

Our challenges over the next few months will be developing a new budget, reviewing our services in aged residential care and in our community and finally looking at how we can become more effective and efficient by using ever-changing technology.

Thanks again for your ongoing support of our hospice and the service we provide in the Nelson Tasman region.”

Frans Dellebeke, chief executive officer

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